Arce & Humano

Rico and Afro-Caribbean Culture
6 Dennison St., Boston, MA 02119 617-708-1611 + 787-364-0198
Tour and Classes Updates on Facebook:
"Weaving Horizons:
knowing, embracing and respecting other cultures in our Caribbean, our
continent and in our world. This is the mission and the message of
Afro-Caribbean Workshop which highlights the importance of this
presentation at this crucial moment in our history."
"La misi�n y
mensaje de Afro-Caribe�o de Entrelazando Horizontes a
trav�s del conocimiento y respeto hacia otras culturas que
conforman nuestro caribe, nuestro continente y nuestro mundo, cobra
especial vigencia en estos momentos hist�ricos."
" a
masterkeeper of tradition and he is keeping his beloved traditions
alive and vibrant to ensure their continuation to future generations."
Madeleine Remez, Associate
Director, National Council for the Traditional Arts
"A respected master of Puerto
Rican roots he is, in essence, the face,
voice and spirit of Puerto Rican culture in Massachusetts."
Jos� C. Mass� III, �Con Salsa!
WBUR 90.9FM, Producer and Educator
Ra�z De Plena
Massachusetts Puerto Rican Festival
July 30, 2023
No se pierda el pr�ximo domingo a Ra�z De Plena en la carroza de la
Goya c�mo parte de la de la lucida y magna parada del Festival
Puertorrique�o de Massachusetts, saliendo desde el Convention Center en
la Boylston Street hasta el City Hall plaza de Boston a las 12 P.M.
Adem�s, Ra�z De Plena y Bombazo Boricua de presentar�n como parte del
festival en la tarima del City Hall Plaza a las 5 P.M. auspiciado por
la Goya.
Do not miss Ra�z De Plena next Sunday in the Goya
float as part of the lucid and magnificent parade of the Massachusetts
Puerto Rican Festival, leaving from the Convention Center on Boylston
Street to City Hall Plaza The Boston at 12 PM.
In addition, Ra�z De Plena and Bombazo Boricua will
perform as part of the festival on the stage of the City Hall Plaza at
5 P.M. Sponsored by Goya Products.
TAG Association Lifetime Achievment Honoree
The Talented and Gifted (TAG) Latino Program and
Project ALERTA have served the academic, personal, and social needs of
Boston Public Schools (BPS) students since 1985 and 1988, respectively.
Details at:

Mozart Park Mural Celebration
Saturday, November 5, 2022
1-3 PM

Saturday, October 1, 2022
3-4 PM Free
Charlestown Navy Yard

Rico Bomba played at Boston Symphony Hall with the world-renowned
Boston Pops Orchestra Conducted by Keith Lockhart on Thursday and
Friday, June 9 and 10, 2022!

The Boston Pops Orchestra presented the masterful composition of the symphonic arrangement for the
Edmar Columbus Orchestra, based on Juan Tizol’s legendary composition,
“Caravan,”as an opening to the concert dedicated to Duke Ellington.
Balla Kouyate, Balafonist of the Kingdom of Mali, Africa, my son Gabriel Santiago, in the barrel of Bomba
"Buleador", the young Jeriel Sanjurjo in the barrel "Primo" 1, Richard
Flanagan of the BPO in the "Maraca", composer Edmar Columbus in the
"Cu�" and as Ervidor, Jorge Santiago Arce, in the "Cousin" Barrel 2.
Afro-Caribbean Workshop with Jorge
Arce on August
Sunday, August
20,2022 from 12:30pm to 1:30pm: The Afro-Caribbean Workshop with Jorge
Arce. Be part of 2,000 years of history in a fun and
participatory way, at Harriet Tubman park, 194 Blue Hill Ave,
Boston. Sponsored by Boston Liberation Center.
Ma�ana domingo 20 de agosto de 12:30pm a 1:30pm: Taller Afrocaribe�o
con Jorge Arce. S� parte de 2.000 a�os de historia de una manera
divertida y participativa, en el parque Harriet Tubman, 194 Blue Hill
Ave, Boston. Patrocinado por Boston Liberation Center.
Jorge Arce and Ra�z de Plena and Bombazo Boricua at Fenway Park July 27, 2022
Jorge Arce
and Ra�z de Plena and Bombazo Boricua at Fenway Park, 4 Jersey St.,
playing again for the Boston Red Sox in representation of the Puerto
Rican Festival of Massachusetts, in the dedicated Puerto Rican Day by
the RS organization,
previous to the baseball game. 5:30pm-6:45pm. Special guest: The “Timbal” Drums Encyclopedia, Endel Due�o.
HOY, PLENA Y BOMBA en Fenway Park!!!!:
Arce y Ra�z de Plena y Bombazo Boricua en Fenway Park, 4 Jersey
St.,traen nuevamente la Plena y la Bomba para los Medias Rojas de
Boston en representaci�n del Festival Puertorrique�o de Massachusetts,
en el D�a del Puertorrique�o dedicado por la organizaci�n RS, previo al
juego de b�isbol . 5:30pm-6:45pm. No se lo pierdan. Invitado especial:
La Encoclopedia del Timbal, Endel Due�o.
Jorge Arce and Ra�z de Plena

Bambazo Boricua

Purdue University Cultural Research Tour of Puerto Rico March 13-18, 2022 with Tour Director Jorge Arce
WIPR TV News Report about the Purdue
University Cultural Research Tour of Puerto Rico, Black Cultural
Center, Purdue University, Indiana, March 13-18, 2022, produced by the
voice of the moment: Ra�l Camilo Torres, my nephew and godson (son of
legendary broadcaster Rafi Torres, my big brother) and his wife: Marie
Elsie Rvera Ramos, executive producer; camera and editing: Jorge
Reportaje Noticias WIPR TV acerca de
la Gira de Investigaci�n Cultural Purdue a Puerto Rico, Black Cultural
Center, Purdue University, IND 13-18 de Marzo, 2022, producido por la
voz del momento: Ra�l Camilo Torres, mi sobrino y ahijado (hijo del
legendario locutor Rafi Torres, mi hermanazo) y su esposa: Marie Elsie
Rvera Ramos, productora ejecutiva; c�mara y edici�n: Jorge Negr�n.
Exitosa gira de investigaci�n del Centro Cultural Afroamericano de Purdue en la isla
En d�as recientes se llev� a cabo el
intercambio cultural que, por dos d�cadas, realizan estudiantes y
profesores del Centro Cultural Afroamericano de la Universidad de
Purdue en la isla, como parte de un intercambio e investigaci�n de la
cultura africana en Las Am�rica. Ra�l Camilo Torres con la informaci�n.

Nuestras Voces 2020 with Jorge S Arce on Oct 15, 2020
Professor Jorge Santiago Arce sharing poetry and musical reflections of his island Puerto Rico.
He participated in an event with Latinx faculty and students at Endicott College Boston.
Nuestras Voces 2020, Jorge S Arce
Published by Professor Marcelo Juica, Endicott College Boston
