Arce & Humano

Rico and Afro-Caribbean Culture
6 Dennison St., Boston, MA 02119
787-364-0198 787-296-2587
Tour and Classes Updates on Facebook:
"Weaving Horizons:
knowing, embracing and respecting other cultures in our Caribbean, our
continent and in our world. This is the mission and the message of
Afro-Caribbean Workshop which highlights the importance of this
presentation at this crucial moment in our history."
"La misi�n y
mensaje de Afro-Caribe�o de Entrelazando Horizontes a
trav�s del conocimiento y respeto hacia otras culturas que
conforman nuestro caribe, nuestro continente y nuestro mundo, cobra
especial vigencia en estos momentos hist�ricos."
Dance Throughout Times:
connection of four Islands:
Rico, Santo Domingo, Haiti and Cuba.
Afro-Caribbean Dance Workshops by Jorge Santiago Arce
Background Notes:
When slavery was
established in the Americas during the sixteenth century, the slave
owners never suspected how much the practice would influence the
cultural life this area. The many numbers of tribes brought from
the African coasts joined the already subjugated Native Americans and
adopted portions of their culture. At the same time, they
reinterpreted and adopted a great portion of their masters'
culture. In the Caribbean region the process of integration in
which the African element became predominant was the wellspring of what
is now called Afro-Caribbean culture.
Workshop Purpose:
The purpose of this
workshop is to show the Afro-Caribbean dances as a cultural expression
that explores the similarities detected among the different African
cultural groups placed in the Caribbean. African slaves were segregated
by the masters to work with other different linguistic ethnicity
African slaves, so they would not be able to communicate and plan
rebellions. This process resulted in the diversity of rhythmic
and dance patterns which at the same time show similarities in their
African origin.
For example, one of
the foundations of the Afro-Caribbean dances is the movement of the
African twist. In United States, this dance was known in the
1920s as balling the jack and later on as race. You can
find the source of its movements in such Afro-Caribbean dances as the
Puerto Rican bomba, the Dominican merengue, the Haitian compa or
meringue, the Virgin Islands calypso or souk, the Brazilian samba.
Additionally the twist movement is found in las rumbas, la conga, and
el chang�� from Cuba that the modern salsa is derived from.

Click on image to see short movie of master dance class at Purdue
University Black Cultural Center
Workshop Description:
In these classes we
will examine, learn and experience dances from the four Islands of the
Caribbean and their music forms: “Bomba & Plena” from Puerto Rico,
“Merengue” from Dominican Republic, “Compa” from Haiti and “Songo” from
Cuba. Within this process we will investigate the connections,
similarities, differences and diversity of these dances. This
class is a fun proposal against the "melting pot" theory. All master
dance workshops are two hours each and include specific choreographies,
live drumming plus recorded music and videos.
- Bomba Dance
from Puerto Rico
- Plena Dance
from Puerto Rico
- Comparison
Workshop I: Cuban Songo and Puerto Rican Bomba dances
- Comparison
Workshop II: Puerto Rican Plena and Dominican Republic Merengue
- Comparison
Workshop III: Haitian Compa and Dominican Republic Merengue dances
- Comparison
Workshop IV: Trinindad Calypso, Haitian Compa, Dominican Republic
Merengue and Cuban Conga dances
- Dance Through
Times Residence includes all above with choreographies, live drumming
percussion, recorded music, Arno Peters Map of the World plus
Final Class Presentation with costumes during 5 day workshop 2 hours

Ilustration: Jorge Arce � 1996.
- Alvarado,
Felix Echevarria. La Plena. Puerto Rico: Alvarado, 1984.
- Alvarez
Nazario, Manuel. El Elemento Afronegroide en el Espanol en Puerto
Rico. Puerto Rico: ICP, 1974.
- Arce, Jorge.
Africa in the Caribbean: Common Language. Article in Process of
- Arce,
q Rumba, Memories of the 1rst Symposium about the Bomba and the Rumba,
pgs.278-291, Puertorican Publications, San Juan, 2012. Puerto Rican
Foundation for the Humanities, National Endowments for the Humanities
and PACA.
- Arce,
Jorge. Bomba and Plena: African Retention in Puerto Rico. in
Music of the Caribbean. , ed. Dr. Beverly Anderson (New
York: MacGraw-Hill, 1996. pp. 65 - 72 IBN: 0070069891
- Baralt,
Guillermo. Esclavos Rebeldes. Puerto Rico: (ed.) Hurac�n,
- Buffalo,
Michael. Interview to Frank Quimy in The Georgia Sea
Island Singers - Preserving Coastal Music Tradition. Atlanta :
Swampland Music, Apr 1st, 2006.
- Carpentier,
Alejo. La Musica en Cuba. Mexico: EFE, 1980.
- Gaztambide
G�igel, Antonio. La invenci�n del Caribe a partir de 1898
(las definiciones del Caribe como problema hist�rico, geopol�tico y
metodol�gico), Revista Mexicana del Caribe (Chetumal, Quintana, Roo,
M�xico) I, 1, 1996.; San Juan: Manual de Estudios Centro de
Estudios Avanzados y del Caribe, 2005(a).
- L�pez Vald�s,
Rafael. “Notas sobre el Informe de la Comisi�n Imperial
china acercal del tr�fico de cul�es a Cuba”(Notes related to the report
of the Chinese Imperial Commission about the traffic of coolies to
Cuba). Revista de la Bilioteca Jos� Mart�, Habana, Cuba:
A�o 68, 3era �poca - vol XIX, no. 2, Mayo-Agosto, 1977.
- --------------------------.
Africanos de Cuba. 1era ed. 2002, 2nda rmp., San Juan: Centro de
Estudios Avanzados de Puerto Rico y el Caribe, 2004.
- Mazrui, Ali
A. The African, a Triple Heritage, Canada: Little Brown &
Company, 1986.
- Katz, William
Loren. Black Indians, a Hidden Heritage. New
York: Atheneum, 1986.
- Orovio,
Helio. Cuban Music Dictionary. Cuba: (ed.) Cuba:
Editoial de las Letras Cubana, 1981.
- Ortiz,
Fernando. La Musica Afro-Cubana (The Afro-Cuban Music).
Madrid: Ediciones Jucar, 1974.
- --------------------------.
Los Instrumentos de la Musica Afro-Cubana (Instruments of The
Afro-Cuban Music). Madrid: Ministerio de Educaci�n de Cuba, Cuba,
M�sica Mundana, dist. e imp., Espa�a, 1996.
- Pi�eiro De
QUEST FOR HIS BLACK HERITAGE. San Juan: Centto de Estudios
Avanzados del Puerto y el Caribe, 1989.
- Silverstein,
Judy L. 20 Anniversary of the Mariel Boatlift, MSO en THE
COAST RESERVIST, Tampa: April/ May, 2000.
- Smith,
Michael P. A Joyful Noise: A Celebration of New Orleans
Music . Intro. And Interv. By Alan Govenar. Dallas, Texas:
Taylor Publishing Company, 1990.
- Stearns,
Marshall and Jean. Jazz Dance. New York:
MacMillan, 1966.
- Sertima, Ivan
Van. The African Presence in America: They Came Before
Columbus. New York: Random House, 1976.
- Sued Badillo,
Jalil y Angel L�pez Cantos. Puerto Rico Negro (Black Puerto
Rico). 1era ed. Rio Piedras, P.R.: Editorial Cultural, 1986.
- Urf�, Odilio.
“La M�sica y la Danza en Cuba” en Africa en Am�rica
Laitna (The Music and the Dance in Cuba” in Africa in Latin America).
Ed. Manuel Moreno Fraginals. 3era ed. M�xico: Siglo XXI,
editores, S.A. de CV y UNESCO, 1996
- Zen�n,
Isabelo. Narciso Descubre su Trasero: El Negro
en la Cultura Puertorrique�a. (Narcissus Discovers his Rear: Black
People in the Puerto Rican Culture) Humacao:
Editorial Furidi, II, 1975
- Almod�var,
Ram�n. (1980). Documentary Film for TV: "La Historia del Negro en
Puerto Rico." (History of the Black People in Puerto Rico) For the
Colegio Metropolitano of Puerto Rico, Copyright Fundaci�n Ana G.
Mendez. Note: Jorge Arce was presenter and narrator in this
special broadcast
- Rosow, Eugene
and Howard Dratcj, Production and Direction. Roots of Rhythm .
Los Angeles: Cultural and Research Communication.
- Borcherding,
Eric, Production and Direction. (1986). Don Rafael Cepeda:
Patriarca de la Bomba y la Plena (Don Rafael Cepeda: Patriarch of the
Bomba and Plena). Puerto Rico: ICP (Instituto de Cultura
Interviews, Notes and Recordings:
- Alvarez,
Luis Manuel, Dr. Renown musicologist, composer y puertorrican
muician. Proffesor at the Music Departament of the University of
Puerto Rico.
- Ayala Family
- Renown group of Bomba Dance and Music from the town of Lo�za, Puerto
- Cepeda Family
- Renown group of Bomba and Plena from Villa Palmeras neighborhood in
Santurce, Puerto Rico. (Don Rafael Cepeda is considered the Patriarch
de our Bomba. Exalted as National Folklorist by the Smithsonian
Institute. Institutoe de Cultura Puertorrique�a Medal, 2001)
- Franceschi
Family - One of the many families of the Bomba and Plena from the
working neighborhood San Anton, Puerto Rico. (Luisa Franceschi is Jorge
Arce’s aunt)
- Gaztambide,
Antonio - Puerto y el Caribe en el Siglo XX Course dictated in the
Center of Advanced Studies of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean,
Puerto Rico, 2005.
- Leon,
Argelier - Interview of this important composer and musicologist
Habana, Cuba, 1980
- L�pez Vald�s,
Rafael - Ethnic-history of the Caribbean: The formative process
of towns and countries, with special reference to the Greater Antilles.
Course y conferences dictated at the Center of Advanced Studies of
Puerto Rico and the Caribbean, Puerto Rico, 2006
- Pedraza,
Ram�n - Ethnologist; investigator, musician and instruments’ artisan;
specialist in the Plena and the Bomba genres. His shop is
established in Villa Palmeras, Puerto Rico. Don Rafael Cepeda, ICP,
Puerto Rico Medal, 2003.
�Jorge Arce & Humano Multicultural Project. 0383-0371810.
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languages --
Arabic, Chinese, Italian, French, German, Russian, Spanish or others
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Arts Advocates
1999-2022 by Stephen Baird